Development of HFU-based permeability prediction models using core data for characterisation of a heterogeneous Oligocene sand in the Nam Con Son basin
Core data by both routine and special core analysis are required to understand and predict reservoir petrophysical characteristics. In this research, a total number of 50 core plugs taken from an Oligocene sand in the Nam Con Son basin, offshore southern Vietnam, were tested in the core laboratory of the Vietnam Petroleum Institute (VPI).
The results of routine core analysis (RCA) including porosity and permeability measurements were employed to divide the study reservoir into hydraulic flow units (HFUs) using the global hydraulic elements (GHEs) approach. Based on five classified HFUs, 16 samples were selected for special core analysis, i.e., mercury injection capillary pressure (MICP) and grain size analyses for establishing non-linear porosity-permeability model of each HFU based on Kozeny-Carman equation, which provides an improved prediction of permeability (R2 = 0.846) comparing to that by the empirical poro-perm relationship (R2 = 0.633).
In addition, another permeability model, namely the Winland R35 method, was applied and gave very satisfactory results (R2 = 0.919). Finally, by integrating the results from MICP and grain size analyses, a good trendline of pore size distribution index (λ) and grain sorting was successfully obtained to help characterise the study reservoir. High λ came with poor sorting, and vice versa, the low λ corresponded to good sorting of grain size.
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