Evaluation of organic coatings by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

  • Nguyen Thi Le Hien
Keywords: -


Electrochemical impedance is a useful method to quickly and effectively evaluate organic coating’s protective mechanisms against corrosion of metals as well as its physico-chemical properties. In the first part of this paper, the basics of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy were presented, including the theory behind the measurements and an introduction to equivalent circuit modelling of the collected data. In the next part, electrochemical impedance spectroscopies and analysis results obtained on coated carbon steel surface at different stages of coating degradation were shown.


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How to Cite
Hien, N. T. L. (2013). Evaluation of organic coatings by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Petrovietnam Journal, 5, 52-59. Retrieved from http://www.pvj.vn/index.php/TCDK/article/view/665

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